How to Keep Your Dog Safe in Firework Season

How to Keep Your Dog Safe in Firework Season

How to Keep Your Dog Safe in Firework Season

As the holiday season approaches, it’s easy to forget that what’s great fun for us can be an overwhelming experience for our dogs. Many of our celebrations involve fireworks which can be terrifying for many animals.
Here are our Top Tips to make sure your dog stays calm, safe, and comfortable.

How to keep your dog safe during fireworks.

Plan Early

The earlier you start your preparations, the better:

  • Desensitise Your Dog to Loud Noises:

You can make sure your dog has a positive experience of sounds that don't happen in the home, such as fireworks. Ideally this should start as a puppy. The best way to gradually introduce these is with good quality recordings. Before you start any noise training make sure your dog is calm and relaxed. Start with the volume barely audible and watch carefully for any reactions. If they are interacting normally, you can slowly increase the volume with each session. But stop immediately if they show any signs of stress

  • Talk to Your Vet:

They can advise about options such as using a calming collar or diffuser which disperses calming pheromones.

  • Create a Safe Place:

One of the best things you can do is to create a secure, quiet area for your dog in your home. This space should be away from windows, ideally in a room where your dog feels comfortable, such as a bedroom or den. Add cozy blankets, their favourite toys, and even some calming music or white noise.

  • Talk to Neighbours:

Plan ahead for dates of local displays. Check your local press and websites and speak to your neighbours and local councils/schools etc to find out dates ahead of time so you can plan in advance.

Preparations on the day.

 It may seem obvious, but keeping your dog indoors during fireworks is the safest option.

  • Make Sure You Exercise Your Dog:

Take your dog out for exercise during daylight hours and before the fireworks start. A tired and well-fed dog may be less anxious during the night.

  • Close windows and curtains:

This will help in keeping the noise out as well as reducing visual stimuli. Settle your dog into their safe place and turn on any soothing music you have prepared.

  • Remain Calm:

Avoid fussing over your pet excessively as this can encourage anxious behaviour. But of course, comfort them if it helps them relax. Reward your dog for their calm behaviour including treats and their favourite toys. Interactive toys and puzzles are also a great way to keep your dog distracted.

  • Anxiety Vest:

Another great option is a calming coat or wrap, which applies gentle pressure, mimicking the comfort of a hug. Snoot Style’s Floofy Fleece Coat is perfect for this! With its snug fit, it cocoons your dog, providing a sense of safety and warmth, similar to an anxiety vest.


Keep your dog safe during fireworks.


As you prepare for firework season, remember to prioritize your dog’s safety and comfort. Planning is key and never leave your dog outside. Make sure your dog is microchipped and that your contact details are up to date on the microchip register. Also ensure they are wearing an ID tag with your up-to-date contact details, so they can be easily returned if they do accidentally escape. And let’s ensure this season is less about the bangs and more about the snuggles.